Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Projects in Progress Update

I didn't think I'd get a chance to blog today, but so far it's pretty quiet, so it'll be a stealth post today!  Above is my Prism Shawl I'm making with Noro Silk Garden Sock.  It looks amazing and it's stupidly easy. The only caveat is that in the pattern they tell you to use an "M1" increase, which they give you a web address for instructions. The caveat is that it is not actually an "M1" increase they want you to do - if you follow the link you'll see that they want you to make a backwards loop cast on!  Otherwise, easy peasy. 

I don't know if I've shown you this one yet. This is a Moderne Log Cabin Baby Blanket we're making for the store with Cascade 220 Superwash.  Another easy peasy project!

A always, you can find us at knitomatic.com!

Friday, June 17, 2011

An Un-update that's Actually an Update

I have been working away at organizing the upcoming Stitch 'N Pitch in Toronto, so today will be a "look at all the cool projects" update. Also,  it is overcast today, so the the light is bad for photography. And I haven't finished anything lately - except my Crochet Log Cabin Blanket, but I don't recall if I already told you about that. 

Looks pretty good!  I am very happy with it. 

By the way, the plans for Stitch 'N Pitch are coming along swimmingly! This year there are 28 retailers across Ontario selling tickets!  Additionally, I sent out the request for prizes this morning and received 3 positive responses withing an hour!  Not bad for a Friday in the summer. 

So I guess I did have a blog posting after all! :-)

As always, you can find us at Knitomatic.com!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Prism Pour Moi

I finished my Crochet Log Cabin Blanket (on display in store until I need it at home) and found myself missing the Noro Silk Garden Sock. It must be the influence of Aunt Tallulah, because I cast on a kerchief shaped shawl named Prism (I initially saw the Silk Kerchief, but the pattern is no longer available). I'm using colour 269 as the base colour shade and 322 as the contast. So far, soooooo good!

I don't know if the project is actually for me, it's more about keeping my hands singing. 

As always, you can find us at Knitomatic.com!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Almost Finished! Crochet Log Cabin Blanket

La, la, la, la la!  It's almost finished!  My Crochet Log Cabin Blanket is almost DONE!  It is also sewn up, and now all that is left to be done is a border. I actually started the border last night, but I don't think you can see it yet, I've only accomplished one round. I'll try and take a great picture when it's done, I just need a day off when I'm at home in the afternoon when the light is good. 

As always, you can find us at Knitomatic.com!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Sexy Hexes

Ok, I'm feeling a little guilty. I haven't finished my Crochet Log Cabin Blanket, and I've already started a new crochet blanket project - a Hexagon Throw in Cloud Cotton. My excuses are as follows:
  • The log cabin blanket just needs to be seamed and it's too big to carry around. 
  • It's too hot at home to seam a big thing, It needs to be done at work. 
  • The Log Cabin won't match my new sheets, the new sheets really *need* the hexagon blanket. 
  • When I make stuff it helps *you* visualize what's possible.
See, it's for you, I did it for you.  :-)  That's my story and I'm sticking with it.  

Anyway, summer has arrived and I need me some crochet. If you aren't already familiar, crochet is made for summer because it's easy, fast, mindless, creative, much easier to seam than knitting, and can be made in small sections and is therefore portable.  It also only even has one live stitch, so should be taking part in some summer activities, ahem, like drinking beer on a patio, it's much harder to accidentally lose any of your work, and if you should need to rip it's easy-peasy. 

So, in conclusion: summer - good, crochet - good, patio drinking - good. Oh yeah, I almost forgot!  the Cloud Cotton is also good! It is super soft, easy to work with, and super pretty.  We also made a Summer Shrug with it! Plus it is organically grown, which is all good since cotton is apparently a very eco-frowney crop.  It's a loose cotton, so it's got some body and isn't hard, tight, or ropey. 

I forgot more stuff, AGAIN! I'm planning on making the blanket throw size, to fit on the end of my queen sized bed, so I figure I'll make it 14 hexagons by 12 hexagons (each hex measuring about 4"/10cm - to gauge). That's a total of 168 hexagons, and since I've worked out 28 colour combinations (I'm not into the 2 greens together), that'll be about 6 of each. Why do I do this to myself? I don't know, I guess I just jump in feet first, without looking, and probably without thinking much either. Anyway, it's summer, I've got more time, and the hexagons are really going fast - I've already finished about 50!

As always, you can find us at Knitomatic.com!