If you are in the Mood to make a hat MnMs on Ravelry was just diagnosed with cancer and is asking people if they'd make her a hat and mail it to her to help keep her morale up. I just finished my sweater and think i'll take a break and make her one.
i am becoming an espresso bar-fly. i'm thinking of getting walkie talkies for the store. i can leave one in the mailbox and take the other with me when i go to loiter at Scratch. customers can send me a ten-four on the talkie and tell me to get my ass back to work and hook them up with some fibre. or maybe i can get a pager like all the other dealers?
The new Berroco Ultra Alpaca Booklet (279) looks NIIIICE!
me likey Unity
Umbretta ... not crazy about the 2x2 rib, but that can be changed.
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