peacock scarf
for a more complete sensory experience i recommend humming Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles, Abbey Road) while you gaze.
it was 10 years ago this June i babysat a certain toddler for a month before leaving to study in Italy. Kids grow up fast these days and just in case you're inclined to ignore it Jewish boys get a big celebration to remind you they're not so little anymore. hence, another project on the go ... a gift for my barmitzvah boy. unfortunately i didn't figure out what to make until after the festivities, but he won't mind, he never has.
'Child's Rainbow Scarf' from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts" by Joelle Hoverson
cast on 43 stitches to make it man sized
Noro Kureyon in equal amounts of colour #40 (lighter colour) & #147 (darker colour). I estimate it'll take 3 skeins of each colour to make it a big man sized scarf that my kiddo can grow into.
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