Sunday, February 06, 2011

An Interim Noro Mobius Cowl

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This is just a boring 'project in progress' posting, sorry for the tease. Yesterday, after another little hourglass re-engineering issue (think i have it resolved now, but this is why you should not bother re-inventing the wheel), I cast on a Mobius Cowl in the Noro Taiyo (colour 1: brown, beige, black & pink).

Holy Cow! I can't believe how fast an nice it is knitting up!  Knitting with Noro is a never-ending story of simplicity and satisfaction. I'm working with 5mm needles but it's still flying, and the yardage has been great. I'm a happy girl. I cast on 186 sts (in the mobius cast on that equals a total of 372 sts), but I'll have to see what that gets me in terms of size.  I thought making it a bit smaller than normal might be a good idea since silk and cotton both have a tendency to grow (especially silk). 

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