Sunday, October 11, 2009

finished objects

why do they call them 'finished objects'? is it objectification? any why do knitters personalize their work by giving it a name and referring to it with a pronoun, 'her' & 'him'? deeeep thoughts ...... ;-) my stupid but valuable printer is not talking to my computer, i am in printer hell, i need a Valium, or at least a chamomile tea. definitely a chai latte.

i finished the rusty tulips this week. i'm really happy with the colours, it's looking super cute and not predictable.


  1. I'm so happy I stumbled on your blog! It's just in time. I'm just about to frog Wenlan Chia's "Cloudburst Cardigan," because it's driving me crazy. Too many things going on at once for my skill level.

    I've been thinking about using the yarn (it's the French Grey) for the tuxedo jacket. Your website is the only place I've seen a good picture of the back.

    So here's a question. I'm not completely crazy about the cable in the back with the open space under it - it seems to limit what you could wear under it. What do you think about adding a collar? Or would that make the front look stupid.

    Your thought?


  2. the cable is kind of necessary, it holds the jacket on, cinching in the neckline. without the cable the rear-neckline is way too wide and the garment won't rest on your shoulders. the design is not particularly structured. i hope that helps!
