Tuesday, June 27, 2006

mother's day bolero

mom island front, originally uploaded by myhighfiber.

finally! pictures of the bolero i made for my mom for mother's day (well, i started it for her on motjher's day). make fron 3 skeins fo Colinette Giotto. photos very quickly taken on Sunday before my cousin's batmitzvah at the brand new (the very pretty old clubhouse burned down 2 years ago) Island Yacht Club (i really like the new club house, it's got an industrial aesthetic, reminds me of the BYO modular dwelling ReadyMade magazine), really comfortable, utilitarian and unpretentious. it doesn't have the 'this is an exclusive club and you don't belong here' exclusivity that other places do. i think accessability is important for the IYC since it was established because Jews were not permitted to join other clubs.

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